SharePoint drop box using Power Automate

Introduction I was asked how we can create a SharePoint library which allows somebody to upload files to it, but not read any other files in the library. It felt like a simple and pretty reasonable request. My colleague Grant made me aware of the Enable File Requests feature in SharePoint or OneDrive which might achieve this requirement, but unfortunately as it is designed for more external usage, the pre-reqs require things like Anyone links to be enabled. I looked into other out of the box options. Permissions on SharePoint Lists and SharePoint Document Libraries are similar, but not exactly the same. I say permissions, I guess it is more advanced settings for Lists have Item-Level Permissions which give the ability for the user to only read items that were created by them. Lists Item-Level Permissions Nothing exists like this in SharePoint document libraries unless you break permission propagation on every file which isn't scalable from a management or performance perspe...